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Boston Strangler

The Boston Strangler: A Serial Killer's Chilling Trail


The Boston Strangler case captivated the nation in the early 1960s, as the mysterious and gruesome murders of multiple women cast a dark shadow over the city. This article delves into the chilling details of the case, examining the victims, the perpetrator, and the impact it had on Boston and beyond.

The Victims and Their Ordeal

Between June 14, 1962, and January 4, 1964, at least 13 women were brutally murdered in the Greater Boston area. The victims ranged in age from 19 to 85 and came from diverse backgrounds. Their common thread was that they were all women who had been sexually assaulted and strangled.

Albert DeSalvo: The Suspect

In 1967, Albert DeSalvo was arrested and confessed to being the Boston Strangler. He claimed to have killed 13 women and provided gruesome details of the crimes. However, there was substantial doubt about his confession, as it contained inconsistencies and inaccuracies.

Investigative Challenges

The Boston Strangler case was hampered by a lack of physical evidence and a large number of suspects. The police initially focused on "The Measuring Man," a mysterious figure who had been seen measuring women in public. However, this lead proved fruitless.

Loretta McLaughlin's Breakthrough

Loretta McLaughlin, a reporter for the Boston Record-American, played a pivotal role in connecting the murders. She noticed similarities in the victims' profiles and modus operandi, leading her to believe that a single perpetrator was responsible.

The Boston Strangler Film

In 2023, the movie "Boston Strangler" was released, based on the true story of the case. The film stars Keira Knightley as McLaughlin and Chris Cooper as DeSalvo, shedding light on the challenges of the investigation and the impact it had on the community.


The Boston Strangler case remains a haunting chapter in American crime history. The unsolved murders and the controversy surrounding DeSalvo's confession have left an enduring legacy. The story serves as a stark reminder of the dangers women face and the importance of a thorough and relentless pursuit of justice.
